
The One-eyed Doe

A doe had lost one of her eyes, and could not see anyone approaching her from one side. In order to avoid any danger, she always ate on a high cliff near the sea, and looked at the land with her good eye when she was eating. By this means she could see whenever the hunters approached her on land. But one hunter found out that she was blind in one eye. He rowed a boat under the cliff, and shot her from the sea.


as (so) far as, as (so) long as

as(so)far as的意思是“就……而言(所知)”,as (so) far as sth.is concerned是其中一种具体用法,意为“就某事而言”;

as (so) long as意为“只要”,引导条件状语从句。如:
As far as I know, more than 10 million laid-off workers have found their new jobs.就我所知,一千多万下岗工人已经找到了新的工作。
There is nothing that we can’t do so / as long as we keep on trying to do it. 只要我们不断地努力去做,就没有什么事干不成。
As far as the tourism of China is concerned, there is a long way to go.就中国的旅游业而言,需要做的工作还很多。


Genius without education is like silver in the mine. (Benjamin Franklin , American president )

未受教育的天才,犹如矿中之银。 (美国总统 富兰克. B.)

I am the ninth letter of the alphabet

Teacher: Give me a sentence starting with I, Tommy.
Tommy: Yes, sir. I is...
Teacher: No, no, Tommy! Don't say "I is", you should say "I am".
Tommy: All right, sir. I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.

Teacher: ……………………………… 


汤米:是,老师。 I is(I是)……
老师:不,不,汤米。不要说“I is”,你应该说“I am”。



Plenty of sleep is healthful.



The Caged Bird and the Bat

A bird was confined in a cage outside a window. She often sang at night when all other birds were asleep. One night a bat came. He asked the bird why she was silent by day and sang only at night. The bird answered, “Last year when I was singing in the daytime, a bird catcher heard my voice and caught me in his net. Since then I have never sung by day.” The bat replied, "But it is useless to do this now that you have become a prisoner." Then he flew away.




argue 着重“说理”、“论证”和“企图说服”, 如:
I argued with her for a long time, but she refused to listen to reason. 
我和她辩论了好久, 但她还是不听。

debate 着重“双方各述己见”, 内含“交锋”的意思, 如:
We have been debating about the issue. 我们一直在就这个问题进行辩论。

dispute 指“激烈争辩”, 含有“相持不下”或“未得解决”之意,如:
Whether he will be elected as chairman is still disputed.他是否当选为主席, 仍然有争论。

满瓶不响,半瓶咣当。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.)

The empty vessels make the greatest sound . (William Shakespeare , British dramatist )

满瓶不响,半瓶咣当。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.)

Another Forty Years to Live

Cindy was from the richest neighborhood in town.

One day, she had a heart attack and was taken to a hospital.
While on the operating table, she had a near-death experience.

She saw an angel and asked, “Is this it?” the angel said,

“No, you have another 40 years to live.”
Upon her recovery, Cindy decided to stay in the hospital

and have a facelift. She even had someone dye her hair.

She figured since she had another 40 years,

she might as well make the most of it.
She walked out of the hospital lobby and was killed

by an ambulance speeding up to the hospital.
She arrived in front of the angel and said,

“I thought you said I had another 40 years!”

The angel replied, “Cindy? Is that you? I didn’t recognize you!”








Now she looks pale as if she were ill.


Now she looks pale as if she was ill.


The serpent and the eagle

An eagle swooped down upon a serpent and caught it in his talons. But the serpent was very quick. It coiled around the eagle in a moment. A countryman saw the fierce fight. He came to help the eagle, and freed him from the serpent. In revenge, the serpent spat some of its poison into the man's drinking-cup. When the man was about to drink the water in the cup, the eagle knocked it out of his hand, and spilled the poisoned water on the ground.





例如:The girl walked between her father and mother.这个女孩走在她父亲和母亲之间。
She is the tallest among her classmates.她在她同学之间是最高的。 
Switzerland lies between France,Italy,Austria and Germany.瑞士位于法国、意大利、奥地利和德国之间。

Knowledge is power .

Knowledge is power . (Francis Bacon , British philosopher )

知识就是力量。 (英国哲学家 培根. F.)

Good News or Bad?

There was a millionaire who was having a heart attack, and he was taken to a hospital emergency room. After he was admitted to the hospital his three sons and four daughters walked up and down the corridor, waiting, pacing the floor. When the doctor came out of their father's room, everyone jumped on him and asked, "Good news? Any good news?" The doctor shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, bad news!" And everyone said, "Bad news?" And the doctor replied, "Yes. He's going to live for a very long time."

  有一个富翁心脏病发作,被送进医院的急诊室,他的三个儿子 和四个女儿,在走廊上往返踱步等待著。当医生从急诊室出来时, 每个人都挤到医生面前问:「有没有好消息?有没有好消息?」 医生摇摇头说:「抱歉!是坏消息。」「坏消息?」 医生说:「没错,他还会活很久!」


I am a basketball fan.

I am a basketball fan.



A milkmaid was going to the market. She carried her milk in a pail on her head. As she went along she began calculating what she would buy after she had sold the milk. "I‘ll buy a new dress, and when I go to the ball, all the young men will dance with me!" As she spoke she tossed her head back. The pail immediately fell off her head, and all the milk was spilt. The girl went back without anything. She felt very sad. "Ah, my child," said her mother. "Do not count your chickens before they are hatched."

一个农家挤奶姑娘头顶着一桶牛奶,前往集市。走了一会儿,她开始算计起卖完牛奶后要买的东西:“我要买一身新衣服,好去参加舞会,年轻的小伙子都会邀请我跳舞。” 想到这里,她真地摇起头来,牛奶桶随之倾倒在地,牛奶都流了出去。女孩很伤心,两手空空地回到家里,母亲对她说:“我的孩子,不要过早地打如意算盘。”

although, though, as

although, though, as


它们的用法有如下几点值得注意: 状语从句由although, though或as引导,主句之前不可有but, and, so, however等并列连词,但可有yet或still等副词。
Although/Though he believes it, yet he will not act. 他虽然相信它,但却不肯有所行动。 

Young as/though he is, he knows a lot. 他虽然年纪不大,却懂得很多。 

Child as/though he is, he can speak two foreign languages. 虽然他是个孩子,但他会说两门外语。 

They said they would come; they did not, though. 他们说他们会来,可是他们并没有来。 

although只用来陈述“事实”,不能表示“假设”。因此可以说even though“即使”以及as though“好像(=as if)”,不能说even although或as although。例如: 
I believe you are on duty—even though you’re in plain clothes. 尽管你穿着便衣,我相信你是在值勤。


Imagination is more important than knowledge .(Albert Einstein , American scientist )

想象力比知识更为重要。 (美国科学家 爱因斯坦. A. )


Mr. Johnson had never been up in an aerophane before and he had read a lot about air accidents, so one day when a friend offered to take him for a ride in his own small phane, Mr. Johnson was very worried about accepting. Finally, however, his friend persuaded him that it was very safe, and Mr. Johnson boarded the plane. 


His friend started the engine and began to taxi onto the runway of the airport. Mr. Johnson had heard that the most dangerous part of a flight were the take-off and the landing, so he was extremely frightened and closed his eyes. 


After a minute or two he opened them again, looked out of the window of the plane, and said to his friend, "Look at those people down there. They look as small as ants, don't they?" 


"Those are ants," answered his friend. "We're still on the ground." 










He suddenly appeared in the party. 




[2008-11-25] allow,let


例如: He allowed me to take his dictionary.他允许我拿走他的词典。
Will you allow me to use your bike? 我可以用你的自行车吗?

例如: Please let me walk with you(=Please allow me to walk with you.).我(请允许我)跟你一起走。
注:allow常用于allow sb.to do sth.或allow doing sth.结构中。

The Wind and the Sun 风和太阳

The wind and the sun were disputing who was the stronger. Suddenly they saw a traveler coming down the road. The sun said, "Whoever can make the traveler take off his coat will be the stronger."
So the sun hid behind a cloud, and the wind began to blow as hard as it could. As the wind blew harder, the traveler wrapped his coat more closely around himself. Then the sun came out. He should on the traveler. The traveler soon felt quite hot, and took off his coat.



[2008-11-25] If a man empties his purse into his head , no man can take it away from him , an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest .

If a man empties his purse into his head , no man can take it away from him , an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest . (Benjamin Franklin , American president )

倾已所有追求知识,没有人能夺走它;向知识投资,收益最佳。(美国总统 富兰克林. B.)


[2008-11-25] 省下1美元
Johnny: Papa, would you be glad if I saved a dollar for you?

Papa: Naturally, my son.

Johnny: Well, I have saved one dollar for you. You said that if I brought a good mark this week, you would give me a dollar and I haven’t brought one.






I would rather stay at home alone.

I would rather stay at home alone.